The Care Trust continues to be a hugely important source of fundraising for Rehab as it has been for the past 6 decades.
The Care Trust is an independent charity which fundraises for Rehab, The Central Remedial Clinic (CRC), Lust for Life and HUGG.
For more information you can visit their website here.

The Care Trust Designated Activity Company is a private company limited by shares registered (45561) with the Companies Registration Office. The Care Trust has charitable status (CHY 13691) with the Revenue Commissioners and is registered (20043285) with the Charities Regulator. The Care Trust is owned on a 50/50 basis by us at Rehab and The Central Remedial Clinic (CRC) and adheres to the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public as published by the Charities Regulatory Authority and the highest levels of Governance.
The origins of The Care Trust lie in the foundation by Rehab of the “RTB Pools and Enterprises” in 1959 and the foundation by the Central Remedial Clinic (CRC) of the “CRC Help Society” in 1960.
The primary objective of the “Pools” was to fundraise for the bodies referred to above. As an incentive/reward, contributors to the “Pools” had an opportunity to win prizes, if their assigned codes matched with English football league results, or racing results in the off season. In recent years the ‘Pools’ process was replaced by a system of regular draws.
The respective fundraising Pools of Rehab and CRC were merged and leading to the eventual creation of The Care Trust brand. The Mater Hospital Pools were absorbed in 1988.
Today, contributors participate in these regular draws three times a month which are operated in accordance with the provisions of the Gaming & Lotteries Act (1956), as amended.
The Care Trust’s main method of recruiting new contributors in the Monthly prize Draw’s is through Door-to-Door recruitment. They have a team of fundraising representatives based around the country who undertake this activity within their own and surrounding counties.
Please see here the list of fundraising reps who may be calling to your door. All fundraising staff carry current ID and aim to adhere to the Charities Institute Ireland (Cii) Fundraising Codes of Good Practice at all times.
The Care Trust fundraises for Rehab and its other beneficiary charities primarily through a monthly draw. There are 3 draws every month and each draw has a Ford Fiesta as the top prize and generous cash prizes.
Membership of the Prize Draw is through a monthly direct debit contribution of €15. You can sign up online here to join the Monthly Prize Draw or contact The Care Trust on 01 200 0060 /
Single and monthly contributions of any amount outside the Monthly Prize Draw can also be undertaken.
Click here to view previous monthly winners
Click here to read the 2020 Care Trust Annual Report